We can all agree that getting a puppy and being able to bring it home is very exciting.
Often, we are not aware of what we are putting ourselves into, and how challenging this process can be.
Ask anybody who’s ever got a puppy, and most of them will tell you: “The first 24 hours are the WORST, especially the first night – a living hell on earth.” (not the ones who’s read this blog post)
After realizing that, most new puppy parents go through a process of self-doubt. “Am I doing it right!?”
You are not alone! That’s normal.
That means you care for the well-being of your pup.
While there are a few things that a new Schnauzer puppy parent needs to consider (we are going to go through all of them), one of the first things is to prepare in advance.
Let’s go!
Prepare In Advance

Once your Schnauzer puppy arrives, you won’t want to do anything but be with your ball of fur.
Having that in mind, it’s the best idea to set up everything your puppy needs even before it arrives.
Here we go! The basic checklist of must-have Schnauzer supplies for a puppy’s first day:
Basic supplies:
- Adjustable collar and leash
- Collar tags with contact information
- Food and water bowls
- High-quality puppy food (preferably the kind of food the breeder used)
- Poop bags
- Potty Pads
- Dog bed and a blanket
- Toys and treats (start simple – like chew or a Kong toy, a plush toy, and a squeaky toy)
- Playpen and gates
- Crate
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Make sure you know what food the puppy eats. It is crucial to be consistent with the food to prevent stomach problems. You can gradually change the food over time.
Keep Its World Small

Puppy is finally home!
When your puppy gets home, it is tempting to have all your friends and family come over. Of course, you want to show off your future best friend to the world.
But remember, your puppy went through a long journey, and it’s arrived at a completely new place with people it doesn’t know.
The first thing you want to do when you bring your Schnauzer puppy home is to keep its world small.
Make your puppy’s first day easy, safe, and quiet. There’s plenty of time for visitors.
Your best life journey has just begun!
Allow your puppy to get the chance to know YOU and bond with YOU.
How to keep their world small, you ask?
The answer is to puppy-proof your home.
Puppy-proof your home
Just like having a new baby in the house, it’s essential to make sure that your home is safe for the puppy.
Those little bastards are very curious by nature, and more than often get into all kinds of things around the house.
When puppy-proofing your home check these things:
- Pick up all cords and strings.
A good idea is to go down on all four and try to see the world from your puppy’s perspective (this can be a fun family time if you have small children).
A small string can be easily swallowed by your bearded friend and cause digestive problems.
- Remove and pick up all small objects that your puppy may swallow.
- Check your house plants and make sure they are not poisonous. Remove them if they are!
- Try to keep electrical cords away from the areas your puppy is in.
You can try treating them with a no-chew spray or rub them with a laundry detergent to make them unpleasant to the taste.
- Keep your curious friend confined when you are not home, or not able to watch the puppy (a kennel, crate or a puppy safe room would do the job).
Take A Day Or Two Off

Taking care of your new bearded friend takes a lot of time and energy.
You also want to spend as much time as possible with your furry friend.
Take a couple of days off.
Heck, work from home for a few days (that shouldn’t be impossible since we live in crazy times).
Being there for your pup will strengthen your bond.
Take that time to start training your puppy through intentional play. Show your pup what kind of behavior you like with lots of cuddles and treats.
Likewise, crate normalization is also something you should work on with your Schnauzer.
And don’t forget – frequent potty breaks are a MUST!
Start The Potty Training Right Away

The first thing you should do, before you show your pup its new home, is to take it to the “potty spot”. When they eliminate, praise them right away with treats and lots of positive energy.
Your Schnauzer pup must go potty before you take it indoors.
The next step is to plan the potty breaks.
We recommend you take your puppy to its potty breaks every hour or so.
Accidents are bound to happen, but you can help your pup by establishing a schedule from the very beginning.
Puppy’s First Night: Prepare For The Sleepless Night

Being a puppy is exhausting. On average, they sleep 15-20 hours a day.
However, they also have nearly hourly potty needs.
During your puppy’s first night, it will probably wake up a few times.
When the little devil wakes up at night take it to the potty spot and let it do its thing. Praise your pup vigorously when it’s done and take it right back to its crate.
Establish a bedtime routine with a puppy and try to stick to it.
Pro tips to help you get through the first night with less trouble:
- Don’t feed your puppy 2-4 hours before bed.
- No napping a few hours before bed.
Puppy’s First Night: Remind Them Of Mama

Since scent is your Schnauzer puppy’s strongest sense, it will be overwhelmed by so many new smells around its new home.
You can help your pup feel at home by placing a mama-scented towel or a T-shirt in its crate.
Ask your breeder to put some of your puppy’s bedding in the crate.
Be Positive

Let’s face it: the first 24 hours with your puppy are the most challenging.
Like human babies, puppies need company, lots of interactions, and activity. They cry, whine, and throw tantrums.
It’s difficult! (Schnauzers’ energetic temperament makes it a bit more challenging)
But it gets easier!
Once you survive the first 24 hours and get into a routine with your puppy, life gets so much more enjoyable.
Enjoy the sweet miseries!